Thursday, January 29, 2009

another pointless draw......hmmm...

Thursday, January 29, 2009
omg...what happen to liverpool???..they draw against wigan last night and it was surely a disastrous result...m.u is on top and chelsea is on the run...the kop must buckle up quickly to regain the top spot....please rafael something or you should packed up your things and leave the office forever!!!!...the squad have a bunch of great players...the first time since 1989, when dalglish was in charge..this is the best team that liverpool ever's so frustrating if they don't win the title this season...what a shame it would the title for the fans over the world...

Liverpool!!!...You'll Never Walk Alone!!!...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

help me!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
omg...there will be lot of assignments and quizzes waiting for me ahead!!...and im not prepare for it yet!!...ahhhhh!!...:-(

Sunday, January 25, 2009

this might be true!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

the girl with the world at her feet.....

have u ever meet this kind of girl???...the description is's the girl that caught my eye at the very first sight..the girl that unconsciously make me uncertain in everything i do...the girl that amazed me with her 'brilliant' thoughts...that's the one...i have met this kind of girl once but because of my loses from my 'hand'...and this time it's quite difficult to find one...i need to search for her....again...:-)

one is not a lonely number

it's true that one is's an only...but it's unique...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009
fly like a butterfly...stings like a bee...:-)

Muhammad Ali have said that before...anyway I would like to share my favourite song right now which is also about Butterfly ...from Jason Mraz...great music..great to hear it...:-)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

lost again???

Thursday, January 22, 2009

aku rse post kali ni lg sng aku ckp melayu sbb bnde ni mmg btul2 buat aku time2 cmni lg sronok ckp melayu..haha...emmm...ape lg kalo bkn pasal team bola Malaysia skang...jujur aku cakap sblm diorg turun main lwn UAE smlm lg aku dh agak pe resultnye...x kne 2..3..x kne 3..5...skali kuar mmg kne 5!!!....nah amik berlambak kuar kt paper2 semalaysia ni psl performance Malaysia skang ni...smenye xde yg sokong...sme condemn belaka...hmmm..kesian gak sbnarnye kt team bola kite skang yela...cuba bayangkan...player sme yg main rata2 dh stat main bola sjak darjah satu lagi...xkn dh besar pnjg permainannye still sama macam main skolah rendah dulu???...cuba pikir logik la...aduhh!!!...aku syg kn bola sepak Malaysia ni...tapi kalo ni gaya nye...macam mana??...

aku ade bebrape cadangan la utk kite bwk team Malaysia ni ke satu tahap yang lebih tinggi daripada skang...aku tau mmg xde sape yg akn peduli ckp aku at least, kalo ade sesape yg terbaca bnde ni..harap2 korg stuju la dgn aku....ok?

1. Bubarkn skuad yg ade...buat pemilihan terbuka utk team bwh 23...bwh 21..bwh 19...dn lain2... bermula dari peringkat akar umbi cnthnya mula dari sekolah2 yg ade kt Malaysia ni...

2. Pilih coach yg berprofil tggi...yg ternama dlm arena bolasepak dunia...contohnye...Zico ke...Bryan Robson ke...Rafael Benitez ke...dgn ade nye mereka2 ni...approach diorg dlm permainan mungkin berbeza dan semestinye mereka berada dalam kelas yg tersendiri...iaitu kelas bertaraf dunia...jadi mungkin baik utk pemain2 kite....

3. Bagi pendedahan sebanyak mungkin utk player yg muda2...yg 17 18 thn ni...biarkn diorg biasa dengan competition2 besar...dalam dn luar negara....

tapi pape pn...smenye prlu dijalankn dgn teliti la....dn of course...nothing comes for free...huhu...the investment should be very very very big...but just think again...kalo kite x mlabur wang yg byk utk bolasepak kite..boleh ke kite nk bwk ia ke satu tahap yg lebih tggi??? pikir2 kn la....hehe:-)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just Pray For Them....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

the time when i open the newspaper just thing that caught my eye was about the war in there any means that could end the war???...i just cant bear to hear my brothers and sisters being attacked...chased..and killed in their own home!!!...they are fugitives in their own land...

the only thing we can do now is just pray...pray..and pray...give our very best effort to help our brothers and sisters...they are the master of their own land!!!! one can ever take it from them...please...especially to all Muslims all over the help the help our brothers and sisters by praying for their survival or help them physically by donating money for their medicines, food and others...until now the death toll has reach 1000 people and its not impossible that it will escalate again...just anything possible to help them survive..

then this thing came across in my there any safe place left in gaza right now??..think about it....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Wednesday, January 14, 2009
emmm...cant wait to see who's going to be the next MPP members!!...haha:-P
i heard that there are some suprises....but i have no idea what it is...



hmm...unfortunately...ronaldo is the best player for the year 2008..owhh...nooo...its not a good result at all...he's not that good to be honoured as the world best footballer...

for me...he's just a cry baby who often cries for sympathy to the referees on field....thats for sure...he's just a cheater... a liar...not sincere in his plays nowadays...yes...its true that he's talented but he's not good enough to be call as 'the world best player'.....he's not cristiano ronaldo that once we known before as he is in sporting lisbon colours...he's now like more than an actor who is brilliantly play his act but not his football...

i will prefer lionel messi or kaka...or even fernando torres is more qualified...huh..
i wish that i could be one of the judges!!!...haha...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ooooohhhh...Liverpool is on top!!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hahaha...for me, any team that leads the Premiership during the winter season is the team that will be crowned as champion in june...hehe...actually that's the fact based on history....:-)

True!!...Liverpool is now stronger than ever!!....with Gerrard as the Midfield Dynamo and Xabi Alonso at the middle of the park, they are just instrumental in there...playing the music that we love most which are the exciting shots and passes...providing shots and passes to the greatest predator in the modern day football, Fernando Torres...the score will always be there!!....

ahaaa...not to forget, the unsung midfield destroyer, Javier Mascherano with the high flying wingers like Albert Riera and Ryan Babel...they are just great in attack...

but the defence is also tough to break down since it was lead by the experienced Carragher and Daniel Agger as the libero....sure that Jose Reina will not have that much problem to keep the ball out of the goalmouth....

all in all....this team is the dream team that found since Kenny Dalglish's side in late 80's...this team is just a joy to behold...and it's fascinating to watch them!!...:-)

Pilihan Raya Kampus


emmm...rite now all IPTAs are so busy with the Pilihan Raya Kampus or what we call the PRK...It's the time for all IPTA students like me to fulfill their rights to choose who is their so-called leader among them(we are now towards creating leader brands!!!) pick the rite choice and hopefully that I've pick the rite choice too!!..although somehow this MPP does not have much effect on me but as a student i have to make my own choice....

there is nothing more we can do rather than hoping that the choices we made could benefit us as the students as they are going to be our speak out our opinions...our thoughts and our hope..Though there are some divisions or what do we call as 'party' among the nominees such as 'pro-mahasiswa' or 'aspirasi'...i dont care whoever wins...but just work, integrate and perform well together as an organization or a company that could lead every people called as 'mahasiswa' to a better platform compared to now...lets make tomorrow to be better than today...

so all students lets make our mind straight...lets think positive towards the MPP....lets pray that our choices are rite....:-)
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