hmm..for me the first one is always the momentum kne set baik pnye utk first paper ni...lpas DSP ni..ade MICROWAVE ENGINEERING...MICROPROCESSOR...and DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS... la tman setia aku dikala musim2 exam ni...huhu...

kpd guru2 ku..terima kasih diatas ilmu yg tlh dicurahkn..uhuk~..thanks to dr. nadzir, dr. musa, dr. hisham, and dr. sharifah@a very good mother....and to my english teacher pn. aminabibi....
jd kpd sme kwn2 yg tgh amik final exam skang...aku ucapkn best of luck to all of u...
p/s: remember everything we done in our life must have its own's only a matter of whether u see it or not...:-)