Thursday, July 23, 2009


Thursday, July 23, 2009
One night, I heard this song for the first time...I like Kanye West songs...but I dont know how could I never heard of this song before...Heartless by Kanye West...

That night..a friend of mine, Mr. K..he sang this not captivate by his voice though (his voice is very ugly to be heard!!!)..but I just love the melody and lyrics..especially the chorus part...

In the night, I hear'em talk...the coldest story ever told
somewhere far along this road....he lost his souls..
To a woman so heartless...
How could you be so heartless??
How could you be so heartless??

It's just a song...thats other reason behind this...:-)

P/s:thanx to Mr. K by introducing this song to me...

Monday, July 20, 2009


Monday, July 20, 2009
it's sad to see..
it's hard to tell..
the only thing that can be true have gone dusty...
what else that left??..there was nothing...

it's true i couldn't afford to cherish...
but please..
it's just a wrong move...and..
i couldn't turn back...
is there any chance??...

or..just leave...
and start a new move again?

Friday, July 10, 2009

the end...Binasat Sdn. Bhd.- Specialize in VSAT and Microwave Engineering...

Friday, July 10, 2009 ends today..i look back at what i've done there...its just wonderful..

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Tuesday, July 7, 2009
hari ini adalah hari yang paling relaks..paling lepak..paling tenang dalam kehidupan ku sebagai seorang pelatih praktikal di syarikat yang xdela besar mane pun...yela..semakin aku menuju hari2 akhirku di kompeni ini..aku rase memang patut aku lebih relaks tanpa menyibukkan diri seperti sebelumnya..seperti mula2 aku training dulu...

tgh sorg2 ni buat aku rase boring pn ade...sbb tu aku dpt chance tulis ni...

emm....ade sorg engineer disni yg amat aku senangi..berbangsa cina...tidak bersifat 'perkauman' atau pilih kasih..aku bleh anggap die mcm kwn2 aku je sbb die hanya berumur 24 thn.....

die bertanya kpd ku..."ko lpas abis study dtg blk sni eh??dtg la sni blk..."...aku diam..dlm hati aku mmg kate tidak...x mungkin aku akan dtg blk ke kompeni aku hanya menjwb.."emm..ntahla..tgk la cmne...mgkn aku akn smbung study kot..."....die pn menyokong usaha aku...mmg aku berniat nk smbung study lpas apa yg aku alami dlm masa 2 bulan ni...aku yg bakal aku dapat belum cukup kuat sbnarnye..

emmm...kdg2 aku hairan...kdg2 aku pelik...dlm kompeni ni..ade staff yg br keje 2 thn...dh blagak mcm die dh keje b'puluh2 thn...pstu xrespect org lain...mcm die bgus sgt...nk spell 'maintenance' pn nk order org sna sni mcm bos..pstu ske condemn org lain...kutuk keje org lain...hmm..aku xphm la dgn org2 cmni...dn malangnye die sorg melayu...dn die lain dgn cina yg aku sbutkn diatas td...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009
grrr...hurm...this is the second time i caught a fever in three weeks...dont know why..but it worries me....arggghh!! not fit right has been 3 months since i injured my knee..and since then i didnt play any its very frustrating...dats why i think im prone to fever right now...emmm...what can i say...

doctor said..."u should not play any games for at least for 4 to 5 months!!"....nevermind...i can give up those games...but now it gives other side effects...huh...(fever...neverending sneez...bad cough)....

this is a 'test'...a 'test' that makes me stronger day by day...:-)
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