Monday, August 31, 2009


Monday, August 31, 2009
It's 31st August..every Malaysians knows bout's so closed to our heart and soul..
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY MALAYSIA...for the 52nd anniversary....

at the age of 22..i've grown up..learned so many things...thanks to Malaysia..thank you so grateful to be a Malaysian...and I wanna be a true, patriotic Malaysian...

Sunday, August 30, 2009's beautiful...

Sunday, August 30, 2009
sahur adalah antara perkara terindah yg dilakukan ketika bulan Ramadhan ni...mmg aku teruja untuk bersahur..wlpn pd masa tu yg ada hanya 2 biji buah tamar dan air kosong..

tapi aku sgt la sronok krn sudah smggu aku bersahur bersama rakan2 ku, Zack, Husain...dn ramai lg...Yusry, Lee, Helmi, dan Alang..mereka sgt komited utk bgn pd pkul 4.30 pagi utk bersahur...

bersahur dibilik dgn lauk yg ade..yg kadang kala dimasak dn kadang kala dibeli...aku rasa spt berada dirumah..yela..sama2 berusaha menyediakan sajian..wlpn adakala rasanya agak 'kurang'...tapi aku sgt gmbira..

terima kasih rakan2...mari bersahur bersama lg pagi ni..:-)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

the fastest man on earth.....

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Usain Bolt...who knows?? one knows bout him 2 years ago...he such a man seeking for a strike to fame...and now he has it...

after less than one year, he broke is own records..100m and 200m at the olympics, and now in world championship in one could ever imagine that...but the thing that amazed me is for the 200m...

i saw the race..again and truth, im not the greatest fan of athletics at all but with the presence of this man, i've become more into it...

his running is perfect..and at the corner, that is what captivates me..he takes the corner smoothly as he's flying and not running!! was perfectly done...

he defeats everyone...he overruns 9.58s and 19.19s...
who can defeat him??? matter what happens after this, he's already a legend...

the question more faster he can go??is this his limit??...nobody knows...:-)

Friday, August 21, 2009

into the night....

Friday, August 21, 2009
yesterday is my first night at home after a month i've been in skudai.. lpak kt umah...nk kuar pn, mmbr sme bz ngn perihal masing2...
so lpak kt umah adlh option terbaik skali...haha...

at 9.30 pm...aku tuka2 channel di TV smbil 'memaki2' channel astro yg xabis2 mengulang rancangan yg x best...suddenly, my mom ask me.."ko bkak TV9...mak nk tgk jap"...

aku pn bkak...rancangan yg tersiar adlh 'Gadis Melayu'...wohoho!! best je cite ni...aku tau rancangan ni tp sikit pn x terniat nk alang2 dh terbukak ni...layan jela..

lpas stgh jam..aku t'pikir...lalu b'tanya kpd mak..."mak slalu ke tgk cite ni??"...mak aku mnjwb.."xla..xpnah tgk pn sblm br nk tgk..."...aku agak bingung...dr awal si puan pengacara duk ckp rancangan ni nk cari Gadis bile aku rancangan The Apperentice pn ade..agak lucu bile aktvt yg diorg wat cm xkne ngn tajuk program...huh..

slps 45 mnit..aku trus mnonton...lalu tertanye...rancangan ni dh mcm pertandingan ratu cantik pn ade...dgn contestant die ade yg pkai skirt atas lutut...xpakai tudung tu satu hal bnde gadis melayu cmtu..xphm aku...

pstu dgn si puan pengacara yg lupe name contestant smpi t'kedu xtau nk ckp pe...haha..sgt in overall..aku rse buang mse je wat rancangan manipulate org2 pompuan je...yela nmpk cm pertandingan ratu lbih sopan kononnye...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

looking for a global player...

Sunday, August 16, 2009
the way u look things are different from me...
we are men in different class...
u know nothing...
that's why I hate to see u in my sight...

-quote from a guy who think that he knows everything-

but in truth....he is the one who knows nothing..he is just a player in his self-made world...
he just made people laugh at him...

Friday, August 14, 2009

meratapi laptop ku yang telah rosak.....

Friday, August 14, 2009
i try so be the way that i used to be..but i cant!!!
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