Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Love Rhapsody...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Love cannot be forced, it came from a sincere heart...and when that happens, there comes the feel and the rhapsody...just say Hi and Welcome...you will get the world at your feet...


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just Bear In Mind..

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
When people 'play' bad towards me and my loved ones...I acknowledged..and I would say thank you...
It is not because i'm afraid...but I planned, I study, I revised...and when I got the strategies well in place...enough said...I would be ready to do the 'killing'...

p/s: trust no one..just believe in your loved ones... and in yourself...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Dah Rezeki Masing-Masing.....

Monday, July 12, 2010
sedang aku menyelusuri fb2 kenalan2 aku...ramai jugak yang sambung belajar...ramai jugak yang kerja...
tapi aku tertanya2...diorang semua ni pilih jalan2 sebegini adakah sebab minat? ataupun sebab nak senang hidup? ataupun ada sebab2 tertentu...

bagi aku sendiri...aku tersangat lah minat gila dalam hal2 berkaitan research and development ni...dan aku telah pun mendapat panggilan daripada lecturer untuk involve dalam hal2 macam ni...

tapi aku menolak...why?...sebab aku nak keje cari duit (tapi buat research pun dapat duit gak kn??? tapi banyak ke x tak tau la..haha), dapat epf, melabur sana sini, dan tolong keluarga...keluarga aku bukan orang senang sangat...tapi sejujurnya, bila dah keje ni la baru aku nampak output aku setelah empat tahun menuntut kat utm tu...and im proud to be a utm graduate...

p/s: thank you very much for your offer and concern Dr....I believe when the time is right, i'll came back and do what i does best...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dah nak final ni..

Sunday, July 11, 2010

"Arjen Robben is not interested in the beautiful game - he just wants to win the World Cup"

Source: The Sun UK

Even the ace have said this, what else that left to hope for?
It's the "total football" that I want to see..
It seems that the Spaniards is playing "total beautiful football" now..

If you don't care whether it's ugly or not..

Go Spaniards!! just kill those Dutch..

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The truth..heh?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Even though I miss the total football..I don't see Holland can win the cup...

- Total bullshit defence
Even Mathijsen have the highest passing completion above any other players in the tournament, he still not good enough..Just see how Forlan scores..Stekelenberg was too exposed thus letting Forlan to unleash a screamer from 30 yards. Then, same goes for the second goal.

- Not enough backup for defence
Van Bommel alone is not enough and I think he may got carded or most probably being sent off in the final if we look on the way he plays. He just lucky to got away in his nasty tackles. Just imagine, when he meets Xavi, Iniesta, or Schweinsteiger, did he have enough quality to contain those players?

Enough said..pity them..they just need some luck then...
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