Monday, December 21, 2009
It's a phenomena that have never been felt for a very long time...
Malaysians have missed this moment..this feeling...for a very long time...
Poor Malaysians...
Years after years..
The Malaysians wait for their heroes to hand in something 'very special'...
I think it is already time to reward them..
Once more...
The Malaysians would feel...
Football have become so close to them again...
I hope...
The Malayan Tigers are not sleeping anymore... more thing...
This thing keep crossing my mind nowadays...
Are we going to see the resemblance of these legends in this modern Malaysian team now???
Is there any chance??

from left: Choon Wah...Super Mokh...Arumugam, The Spiderman...Santokh Singh...*images source:
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
i love to play
i hate to jog
i love to run
i hate to watch
i love to manoeuvre
i hate to be outrun
dis is all i feel after all by now...
haha..i've played so hard until i've hurt myself...but still...
i dont care about my weight...
i dont care about my height...
and i still want to play harder...
it's just in me...
and because i feel im just like myself 8 years ago...
This is my message....we all have been through such moments and experience during camp..and I just hoping that this newly appointed JKM will be the best that have ever been formed in the history of Kolej Tuanku Canselor...ive done my part and ive done my best...ive already gave everything i know about life and experience...i.e i may have running out of ideas already..hehe.. of luck and prove something to me!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
feeling hatred is not my way....but the thing fed up...huh
Sunday, November 22, 2009
It's like a dream come true...
I dare to say...that we all have done a great job...
Especially to Farizi and other JURUTEK all have done a great job here...
It's now a history...
A history that will be remembered for the rest of my life...
Thank you all...
From LCCT to Soekarno-Hatta...and from Soekarno-Hatta to Bandung...
It's a wonderful journey...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I have to admit..she's the one that hold my 'key'...thanks to her..seriously...having her is such a joy to behold...
thank you 'awk'..sometimes i have been a bad man..but its not intentionally sorry..n i would like to captivate me at this moment..for the love you is such a joy to behold..
to be honest..u made me a different man than could bravely tell everyone in the whole entire world that i have a girl like you and i love you so much...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
at this so-called 'bumi bertuah UTM ni':
im once a freshman...
im once a sophomore...
and now im a finalist...
its my final year going for my last semester of studies...
what a great journey i have...
p/s: there is one 'E' that is still unsettled...huh
Monday, November 9, 2009
its 4.03 at arked kempas with Own...
we are still kicking...doing the 'economics' for real...
im gonna miss this moment..for sure..
p/s: thanx azim and own..
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I love the game above and be part of it...but it has become 'tougher' nowadays....n i just miss the one below...~sigh...
Monday, November 2, 2009
8 jam lg paper ethics akn bermula..
tgh duk mencongak strategi utk paper esk...tetibe teringt kate mak 3 hari lalu...
mak: jd gak p.t pg indon?(p.t adlh nme mudh ku ketika di rumah)
aku: jd mak..knape?
mak: td mak dgr ade gegaran lg sne sni kt indon tu..nk pg gak ke??..hurm...mak risau...
aku: (diam)......
mak: baik2 la pegi tu...pikir2 la..jgn nk sronok2 sgt...
emm..sjk kblkgn la topik yg slalu dibangkitkn mak..
aku bingung...serba salah...yela..mak mana x risau kn anak...
akhirnya...aku xde jwpn...
mak..doakan yg terbaik utk org...amin...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
what do we have today is that many people love to capture their photo while 'jumping'..
i it really cool??..
it's funny i think...
p/s: sorry photographers..i just express my offense...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
we are good men..
and we are on our way to become a legend..
we didn't asked for award..
all we need is just a piece of hope..
thats all...
even the hardships may bring us down...
sorry...we could not make that happen...
by any means...
we have proved..
everything is possible...
well lads...thanks for everything...
i do keep those moments deep in my heart...
Monday, September 21, 2009
i've said some of my frens who loves the beautiful game...Michael Owen can still play!!..he's a natural, an old fashioned striker that knows how to fully utilized the chances made for him...i've said before..even he's not playing regularly nowadays, but he's still an ace-poacher...his natural ability to score is still there!! wake up Capello!!!...dont forget him!!..dont be too excited with Defoe, Rooney or Heskey..just remember!!...Michael Owen is there to score again!!...
Friday, September 11, 2009
owhhh..dont go too far my 'fren'...pikir la secara rasional..jgn biar nafsu menguasai diri..aku tau ko 'nasionalis'..aku tau ko 'patriot'...aku pn bgitu...kami pn biarlah jd 'patriot' yg berakal waras..'patriot' yg bijak..'patriot' yg matang
remember...'dont wake up a sleeping giant'...jgn mncabar patriotism kami...
Monday, August 31, 2009
It's 31st August..every Malaysians knows bout's so closed to our heart and soul..HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY MALAYSIA...for the 52nd the age of 22..i've grown up..learned so many things...thanks to Malaysia..thank you so grateful to be a Malaysian...and I wanna be a true, patriotic Malaysian...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
sahur adalah antara perkara terindah yg dilakukan ketika bulan Ramadhan ni...mmg aku teruja untuk bersahur..wlpn pd masa tu yg ada hanya 2 biji buah tamar dan air kosong..
tapi aku sgt la sronok krn sudah smggu aku bersahur bersama rakan2 ku, Zack, Husain...dn ramai lg...Yusry, Lee, Helmi, dan Alang..mereka sgt komited utk bgn pd pkul 4.30 pagi utk bersahur...
bersahur dibilik dgn lauk yg ade..yg kadang kala dimasak dn kadang kala dibeli...aku rasa spt berada dirumah..yela..sama2 berusaha menyediakan sajian..wlpn adakala rasanya agak 'kurang'...tapi aku sgt gmbira..
terima kasih rakan2...mari bersahur bersama lg pagi ni..:-)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Usain Bolt...who knows?? one knows bout him 2 years ago...he such a man seeking for a strike to fame...and now he has it...
after less than one year, he broke is own records..100m and 200m at the olympics, and now in world championship in one could ever imagine that...but the thing that amazed me is for the 200m...
i saw the race..again and truth, im not the greatest fan of athletics at all but with the presence of this man, i've become more into it...
his running is perfect..and at the corner, that is what captivates me..he takes the corner smoothly as he's flying and not running!! was perfectly done...
he defeats everyone...he overruns 9.58s and 19.19s...
who can defeat him??? matter what happens after this, he's already a legend...
the question more faster he can go??is this his limit??...nobody knows...:-)
Friday, August 21, 2009
yesterday is my first night at home after a month i've been in lpak kt umah...nk kuar pn, mmbr sme bz ngn perihal lpak kt umah adlh option terbaik 9.30 pm...aku tuka2 channel di TV smbil 'memaki2' channel astro yg xabis2 mengulang rancangan yg x best...suddenly, my mom ask me.."ko bkak TV9...mak nk tgk jap"...aku pn bkak...rancangan yg tersiar adlh 'Gadis Melayu'...wohoho!! best je cite ni...aku tau rancangan ni tp sikit pn x terniat nk alang2 dh terbukak ni...layan jela..lpas stgh jam..aku t'pikir...lalu b'tanya kpd mak..."mak slalu ke tgk cite ni??"...mak aku mnjwb.."xla..xpnah tgk pn sblm br nk tgk..."...aku agak bingung...dr awal si puan pengacara duk ckp rancangan ni nk cari Gadis bile aku rancangan The Apperentice pn ade..agak lucu bile aktvt yg diorg wat cm xkne ngn tajuk program...huh..slps 45 mnit..aku trus mnonton...lalu tertanye...rancangan ni dh mcm pertandingan ratu cantik pn ade...dgn contestant die ade yg pkai skirt atas lutut...xpakai tudung tu satu hal bnde gadis melayu cmtu..xphm aku...pstu dgn si puan pengacara yg lupe name contestant smpi t'kedu xtau nk ckp pe...haha..sgt in overall..aku rse buang mse je wat rancangan manipulate org2 pompuan je...yela nmpk cm pertandingan ratu lbih sopan kononnye...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
the way u look things are different from me...
we are men in different class...
u know nothing...
that's why I hate to see u in my sight...
-quote from a guy who think that he knows everything-
but in truth....he is the one who knows nothing..he is just a player in his self-made world...
he just made people laugh at him...
Friday, August 14, 2009
i try so be the way that i used to be..but i cant!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
One night, I heard this song for the first time...I like Kanye West songs...but I dont know how could I never heard of this song before...Heartless by Kanye West...
That night..a friend of mine, Mr. K..he sang this not captivate by his voice though (his voice is very ugly to be heard!!!)..but I just love the melody and lyrics..especially the chorus part...
In the night, I hear'em talk...the coldest story ever told
somewhere far along this road....he lost his souls..
To a woman so heartless...
How could you be so heartless??
How could you be so heartless??
It's just a song...thats other reason behind this...:-)
P/s:thanx to Mr. K by introducing this song to me...
Monday, July 20, 2009
it's sad to see..
it's hard to tell..
the only thing that can be true have gone dusty...
what else that left??..there was nothing...
it's true i couldn't afford to cherish...
but please..
it's just a wrong move...and..
i couldn't turn back...
is there any chance??...
or..just leave...
and start a new move again?
Friday, July 10, 2009 ends today..i look back at what i've done there...its just wonderful..
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
hari ini adalah hari yang paling relaks..paling lepak..paling tenang dalam kehidupan ku sebagai seorang pelatih praktikal di syarikat yang xdela besar mane pun...yela..semakin aku menuju hari2 akhirku di kompeni ini..aku rase memang patut aku lebih relaks tanpa menyibukkan diri seperti sebelumnya..seperti mula2 aku training dulu...
tgh sorg2 ni buat aku rase boring pn ade...sbb tu aku dpt chance tulis ni...
emm....ade sorg engineer disni yg amat aku senangi..berbangsa cina...tidak bersifat 'perkauman' atau pilih kasih..aku bleh anggap die mcm kwn2 aku je sbb die hanya berumur 24 thn.....
die bertanya kpd ku..."ko lpas abis study dtg blk sni eh??dtg la sni blk..."...aku diam..dlm hati aku mmg kate tidak...x mungkin aku akan dtg blk ke kompeni aku hanya menjwb.."emm..ntahla..tgk la cmne...mgkn aku akn smbung study kot..."....die pn menyokong usaha aku...mmg aku berniat nk smbung study lpas apa yg aku alami dlm masa 2 bulan ni...aku yg bakal aku dapat belum cukup kuat sbnarnye..
emmm...kdg2 aku hairan...kdg2 aku pelik...dlm kompeni ni..ade staff yg br keje 2 thn...dh blagak mcm die dh keje b'puluh2 thn...pstu xrespect org lain...mcm die bgus sgt...nk spell 'maintenance' pn nk order org sna sni mcm bos..pstu ske condemn org lain...kutuk keje org lain...hmm..aku xphm la dgn org2 cmni...dn malangnye die sorg melayu...dn die lain dgn cina yg aku sbutkn diatas td...
Sunday, July 5, 2009
grrr...hurm...this is the second time i caught a fever in three weeks...dont know why..but it worries me....arggghh!! not fit right has been 3 months since i injured my knee..and since then i didnt play any its very frustrating...dats why i think im prone to fever right now...emmm...what can i say...
doctor said..."u should not play any games for at least for 4 to 5 months!!"....nevermind...i can give up those games...but now it gives other side effects...huh...(fever...neverending sneez...bad cough)....
this is a 'test'...a 'test' that makes me stronger day by day...:-)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
"AN ANALOG PLAYER IN THE DIGITAL WORLD"....dis is the person that the society is looking for...i think so...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
hmm...2 weeks to go...what can i say...its just a wonderful training for me...learned..and experienced...even though it's just a phase..but it has give such an impact to me..thanx to all engineers and staffs...i might come back one day..maybe..who knows...:)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
petulance...somehow it kills no..
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
why do we feel that we are close to each other even though we haven't met before??
Sunday, May 31, 2009
ade 2 org sahabat...sorg bernama A dn sorg lg Z...tetibe Z bertanya.."bro..ko cr ar awek ...smpi ble ko nk solo ni??"...
A ckp..."awek??emm...nnt2 la..."...Z plak ckp..."nnt2???...ble lg bro..aku tgk ko relax je solo2 ni..ko xrse sunyi ke??"..."emm...aku xrse aku kesorgn...sbb aku tgh 'tunggu' seseorg...wlpn die dh aku ttp akn 'tunggu' die dtg blk"...ujar si A...
"ko ni xabis2...die dh gmbira dgn org lain la..watpe ko tggu die lg...dh smpi mse ko bkak ruang utk org lain dlm diri ko!!"...Z seakan mrh dgn kate2 A...
"hehe...ko ckp la pe yg ko nk ckp..ssh utk org lain gnti die dlm idup aku..aku x kesah kalo die jauh dr aku..asalkn die gmbira aku pn gmbira..dn aku cuma berdoa yg die akn 'kmbali' pd aku...tu je.."...A meluahkn isi hatinye...
perbualan mereka terhenti disitu...dn Z berlalu dgn keadaan kesal diatas kate2 A...A terlalu menyanjung org yg tlah meninggalknnye..dn Z tau...tu bkn slh A utk trus menyanjung org yg meninggalknnye...krn Z juga tau A sorg yg sgt percaya pd cintanya...
Monday, May 25, 2009
it's saturday evening...after working half day..we meet each other...out of nowhere the idea came across my mind to do this thing...
that Ms. N ask...."why r u so sudden wanna meet me today??"...
I stuttered..."aaa...emm nothing...just wanna have a bit chit-chatting with u thats all..yeah since we haven't met for quite a long time.."
it has been almost two years we haven't met each other since the 'tragedy'...
Then the meeting goes well...we share our experience and's a meeting not a 'date' ok....
However, old memories play its 'melody'...and it reminds me about our old days...
and I just could I afford to lose Ms. N at that time..before..??...
Those strange thoughts start to blow my mind...
emm..I think I should forget it...let bygone be bygone...Ms. N is already taken...Ms. N is not mine anymore...she's happy now with smeone else...n im also happy with my life now..towards achieving my 'ambition'....
but somehow.....i dont know....did I made a right decision??..
Sunday, May 24, 2009's going to the third week of my so-called 'training'...last week i've been doing a lot of work..screening, testing, cleaning, and...painting the company warehouse!!! far..what an experience i've gone through for the past two weeks..:-)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
skang ni...aku dh phm...betapa 'sakitnye' org bwhn menerima arahan org atasan...bygkn ar..yg konon dipggl 'project manager' or 'chief engineer' duk dlm org sne sni...gelak2...kuar minum dgn 'junior engineer','field engineer', atau cm aku ni...'trainee engineer' tpakse membanting tulang empat kerat...'mempertaruhkan nyawa' pnjt bangunan tggi2...berpanas,berhujan,berembun x kire mse...huhu...i think dis is why it call as a 'practical', practical training...dis make me realize how hard it would be as a 'servant'...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
im done being in such a losing done...and it's about time to gonna turn the tide...right away..
Monday, April 20, 2009
emm..skang dh kul 1.30 pagi..nk tdo..xbleh tdo...risau+tkut+nervous+gelabah+dn lain2...yela..esk dh stat final exam..first signal processing..woooo!!..a subject with loads of tricks...huhu...kalo ikutkn sem ni, test+quiz stiap mggu aku ptt rase yg final ni cm test2 sblm ni gak la xbleh..mgkn weightage die tinggi kot...yela..50%...hmm..for me the first one is always the momentum kne set baik pnye utk first paper ni...lpas DSP ni..ade MICROWAVE ENGINEERING...MICROPROCESSOR...and DIGITAL COMMUNICATION la tman setia aku dikala musim2 exam ni...huhu...

microwave engineering....

digital comm...

digital signal processing..
kpd guru2 ku..terima kasih diatas ilmu yg tlh dicurahkn..uhuk~..thanks to dr. nadzir, dr. musa, dr. hisham, and dr. sharifah@a very good mother....and to my english teacher pn. aminabibi....jd kpd sme kwn2 yg tgh amik final exam skang...aku ucapkn best of luck to all of u...
p/s: remember everything we done in our life must have its own's only a matter of whether u see it or not...:-)
Friday, April 10, 2009
-Dear God from A7X-
Dear God..the only thing I ask of You...
Is to hold her when im not around...
When im much too far away...
We all need that person who can be true to you....
But I left her when I found her and now I wish I'd stayed....
Cause im lonely and im missing you again...
oh no...once again...
p/s: even though i dont know how to play guitar..but i just love seeing Synyster Gates of A7X plays it...he rocks!!..:-)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 of my dreams came true yesterday...after through so much hardships..i finally got to see the SET 06/10 very first educational visit to Department of Civil Aviation at Senai Airport...i learn a lot thanks to all my mates...especially petai..he helps me a lot..whenever i work with him, he never fails me..and to others, zharip, alang, n boy...thanks for the support...u all are my best mates ever...and...i have proved to everyone here.....nothing is impossible...and if it's impossible, it will be nothing...
Monday, March 30, 2009

---> good memories lasts forever...thanks for the memories guys....
Sunday, March 29, 2009
convocation festival or 'pesta konvo' is the most anticipating event in every semester...students love to go there...even every night...emmm i think it's ok..for the sake of getting some pleasure and fun..yeah..u know...what kind of entertainment could u expect in a learning institution like this?? when this kind of so-called 'festival' come across..sure students will be so excited about it...
but somehow...after i've gone through this event for the sixth time(since now i'm in my third year of studies)...the scenario never goes lame as ever...things that never been missed during this 'pesta konvo':
1. kedai kain
2.beca melaka
3.pertandingan nasyid
4.battle of the band...etc... you know what's my expectation???
---->>something like a fun fair or a theme park....having games and so on...and that will be very cool!!!...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
tuhan telah memberikan kita kehidupan...bersama nikmat yg sempurna...tapi bila mana kita lupa...apa yang telah diberi cuma 'pinjaman' semata...ketika itulah semuanya 'ditarik' kembali...fikirkan betapa berharganya 'pinjaman' yang diberikan yang cuma hanya sementara ini...
p/s: sedih gle dh 2 minggu lutut aku still x elok lagi...uhuk~
Saturday, March 14, 2009
the chronology:
--> there's the number 4, he goes past one, he goes past another one then he pass to number 33...but number 33 failed to return the ball...
-->the opponents clear the ball and it falls to the be-spectacle guy...then number 4 goes for him..they confronting each other..the be-spectacle guy try to goes past number 4 but he hesitated..then the be-spectacle guy do some step-overs but number still waiting for chances to snag the ball...
-->just when the be-spectacle guy advances with the ball...the number 4 tripped....fall down...and the sound "crakkkk!!'' came out...number 4 was in agony...he's moaning with the unbearable pain..he holding his knee...then two guys came in to help...but they can't do anything..
-->everyone outside yelled for the game to stop as number 4 was in great agony...
-->the supporters of the number 4 team's brought him to the clinic....sending him in while he's sitting on the wheelchair...what an unbearable pain that was suffered by number 4...
-->the doctor said that he is suffering a cruciate ligament on the left knee....and the doctor urges that number 4 should rest for months and do not even play any games for the time being...what a disastrous statement that was for number 4.....
number 4 is now walking using clutches...
number 4 doesn't know what's gonna happen the future...
number 4 is just looking for the fast recovery...that's all...
best of luck for number 4....
Monday, March 2, 2009
- bila ditimpa musibah...hati tabah mula rebah...jangan biarkan dugaan...rapuhkan pedoman hidup...andai waktu itu tiba...semaikan sifat bersabar...biar Dia menentukan...kita hanya mampu sujud...
lyrics that captivate my thoughts.....somehow...we forgot how things were done in our life...
Friday, February 27, 2009 not past has gone already...i have nothing to prove...i just love the game and enjoy it...i dont have to show to everyone that im worth for the team...
and one more not a defensive player...but in this team i have to...thats why im not effective sometimes...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
what can i say...luck is not ours tonight...the high-flying Gagak Hitam had been 'shot' down by the beginner 'hunter'...i must say that we should win the game...but we lost on penalties..sudden death penalties...emm..nvmd..i still believe that we are far stronger that them...that is clear..."WE ARE STRONG!!!!!!"
Friday, February 13, 2009
here's the list:
- Don't compare them to anyone.
- Be courteous at all times.
- Embrace the present moments without fear or guilt.
- Live by the Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you).
- Give your full attention when talking.
- Become their biggest fan and cheerleader!
- Toast each other over breakfast or dinner to say I love you.
- Tell them how they bring love to your life
- Talk about your day during mealtimes.
- Read books aloud together.
- Say you're sorry.
- Recall good and bad memories.
- Let go of the past to say I love you.
- Do nothing together.
- Encourage health in all its forms.
- Trust your partner enough to cry together.
- Act silly together......
and there are many more ways....i could say that this list will never end though!!(you cant imagine how much it would be)...
emmm...but for me...even there are thousands of ways to say 'i love you'...the only thing that important is just be -------->>>>HONEST!!!..
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
a friend who needs us just during their hard times....and when they are in a brink of joy and happiness..they leave us and make us like no one...what should we call this kind of people???...
emm...i think we should call them...RUBBISH...
Sunday, February 8, 2009

again...he's up to be the saviour of the Kop...nothing else can say how good he is...he's just, i would like to say...Thank You Torres!!!..:-)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
that's why i don't like politics...politics is everywhere...politics can change things..politics can change everything...politics is power and it is can die because of politics and one can also succeed because of politics...and politics could be unfair....that's why politics a so cruel...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
just now im listening a song from kate voegel...the devil in me...suddenly im poised with this song!!...hahaha..;-)
Monday, February 2, 2009

this is one of the most memorable day of my life!!!....along with great team members and proud to be with you guys..boy, bonzer, ahmad(all at the back) pidot, n penyu(not in the picture).....with the advisors...dr. jafri, mr. ibrahim, and dr. hisham(in yellow shirt)....hoping that we could work together again in other projects in the near future...SETSat will become a living legend!!!:-D
p/s: the others in the picture are the judges and the program manager...:-D
Thursday, January 29, 2009
omg...what happen to liverpool???..they draw against wigan last night and it was surely a disastrous result...m.u is on top and chelsea is on the run...the kop must buckle up quickly to regain the top spot....please rafael something or you should packed up your things and leave the office forever!!!!...the squad have a bunch of great players...the first time since 1989, when dalglish was in charge..this is the best team that liverpool ever's so frustrating if they don't win the title this season...what a shame it would the title for the fans over the world...
Liverpool!!!...You'll Never Walk Alone!!!...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
omg...there will be lot of assignments and quizzes waiting for me ahead!!...and im not prepare for it yet!!...ahhhhh!!...:-(
have u ever meet this kind of girl???...the description is's the girl that caught my eye at the very first sight..the girl that unconsciously make me uncertain in everything i do...the girl that amazed me with her 'brilliant' thoughts...that's the one...i have met this kind of girl once but because of my loses from my 'hand'...and this time it's quite difficult to find one...i need to search for her....again...:-)
it's true that one is's an only...but it's unique...
Friday, January 23, 2009
fly like a butterfly...stings like a bee...:-)
Muhammad Ali have said that before...anyway I would like to share my favourite song right now which is also about Butterfly ...from Jason Mraz...great music..great to hear it...:-)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
aku rse post kali ni lg sng aku ckp melayu sbb bnde ni mmg btul2 buat aku time2 cmni lg sronok ckp melayu..haha...emmm...ape lg kalo bkn pasal team bola Malaysia skang...jujur aku cakap sblm diorg turun main lwn UAE smlm lg aku dh agak pe resultnye...x kne 2..3..x kne 3..5...skali kuar mmg kne 5!!!....nah amik berlambak kuar kt paper2 semalaysia ni psl performance Malaysia skang ni...smenye xde yg sokong...sme condemn belaka...hmmm..kesian gak sbnarnye kt team bola kite skang yela...cuba bayangkan...player sme yg main rata2 dh stat main bola sjak darjah satu lagi...xkn dh besar pnjg permainannye still sama macam main skolah rendah dulu???...cuba pikir logik la...aduhh!!!...aku syg kn bola sepak Malaysia ni...tapi kalo ni gaya nye...macam mana??...
aku ade bebrape cadangan la utk kite bwk team Malaysia ni ke satu tahap yang lebih tinggi daripada skang...aku tau mmg xde sape yg akn peduli ckp aku at least, kalo ade sesape yg terbaca bnde ni..harap2 korg stuju la dgn aku....ok?
1. Bubarkn skuad yg ade...buat pemilihan terbuka utk team bwh 23...bwh 21..bwh 19...dn lain2... bermula dari peringkat akar umbi cnthnya mula dari sekolah2 yg ade kt Malaysia ni...
2. Pilih coach yg berprofil tggi...yg ternama dlm arena bolasepak dunia...contohnye...Zico ke...Bryan Robson ke...Rafael Benitez ke...dgn ade nye mereka2 ni...approach diorg dlm permainan mungkin berbeza dan semestinye mereka berada dalam kelas yg tersendiri...iaitu kelas bertaraf dunia...jadi mungkin baik utk pemain2 kite....
3. Bagi pendedahan sebanyak mungkin utk player yg muda2...yg 17 18 thn ni...biarkn diorg biasa dengan competition2 besar...dalam dn luar negara....
tapi pape pn...smenye prlu dijalankn dgn teliti la....dn of course...nothing comes for free...huhu...the investment should be very very very big...but just think again...kalo kite x mlabur wang yg byk utk bolasepak kite..boleh ke kite nk bwk ia ke satu tahap yg lebih tggi??? pikir2 kn la....hehe:-)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
the time when i open the newspaper just thing that caught my eye was about the war in there any means that could end the war???...i just cant bear to hear my brothers and sisters being attacked...chased..and killed in their own home!!!...they are fugitives in their own land...
the only thing we can do now is just pray...pray..and pray...give our very best effort to help our brothers and sisters...they are the master of their own land!!!! one can ever take it from them...please...especially to all Muslims all over the help the help our brothers and sisters by praying for their survival or help them physically by donating money for their medicines, food and others...until now the death toll has reach 1000 people and its not impossible that it will escalate again...just anything possible to help them survive..
then this thing came across in my there any safe place left in gaza right now??..think about it....
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
emmm...cant wait to see who's going to be the next MPP members!!...haha:-P
i heard that there are some suprises....but i have no idea what it is...
hmm...unfortunately...ronaldo is the best player for the year 2008..owhh...nooo...its not a good result at all...he's not that good to be honoured as the world best footballer...
for me...he's just a cry baby who often cries for sympathy to the referees on field....thats for sure...he's just a cheater... a liar...not sincere in his plays nowadays...yes...its true that he's talented but he's not good enough to be call as 'the world best player'.....he's not cristiano ronaldo that once we known before as he is in sporting lisbon colours...he's now like more than an actor who is brilliantly play his act but not his football...
i will prefer lionel messi or kaka...or even fernando torres is more qualified...huh..
i wish that i could be one of the judges!!!...haha...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Hahaha...for me, any team that leads the Premiership during the winter season is the team that will be crowned as champion in june...hehe...actually that's the fact based on history....:-)
True!!...Liverpool is now stronger than ever!!....with Gerrard as the Midfield Dynamo and Xabi Alonso at the middle of the park, they are just instrumental in there...playing the music that we love most which are the exciting shots and passes...providing shots and passes to the greatest predator in the modern day football, Fernando Torres...the score will always be there!!....
ahaaa...not to forget, the unsung midfield destroyer, Javier Mascherano with the high flying wingers like Albert Riera and Ryan Babel...they are just great in attack...
but the defence is also tough to break down since it was lead by the experienced Carragher and Daniel Agger as the libero....sure that Jose Reina will not have that much problem to keep the ball out of the goalmouth....
all in all....this team is the dream team that found since Kenny Dalglish's side in late 80's...this team is just a joy to behold...and it's fascinating to watch them!!...:-)
emmm...rite now all IPTAs are so busy with the Pilihan Raya Kampus or what we call the PRK...It's the time for all IPTA students like me to fulfill their rights to choose who is their so-called leader among them(we are now towards creating leader brands!!!) pick the rite choice and hopefully that I've pick the rite choice too!!..although somehow this MPP does not have much effect on me but as a student i have to make my own choice....
there is nothing more we can do rather than hoping that the choices we made could benefit us as the students as they are going to be our speak out our opinions...our thoughts and our hope..Though there are some divisions or what do we call as 'party' among the nominees such as 'pro-mahasiswa' or 'aspirasi'...i dont care whoever wins...but just work, integrate and perform well together as an organization or a company that could lead every people called as 'mahasiswa' to a better platform compared to now...lets make tomorrow to be better than today...
so all students lets make our mind straight...lets think positive towards the MPP....lets pray that our choices are rite....:-)