Sunday, May 31, 2009

cite2 kosong...

Sunday, May 31, 2009
ade 2 org sahabat...sorg bernama A dn sorg lg Z...tetibe Z bertanya.."bro..ko cr ar awek ...smpi ble ko nk solo ni??"...

A ckp..."awek??emm...nnt2 la..."...Z plak ckp..."nnt2???...ble lg bro..aku tgk ko relax je solo2 ni..ko xrse sunyi ke??"..."emm...aku xrse aku kesorgn...sbb aku tgh 'tunggu' seseorg...wlpn die dh aku ttp akn 'tunggu' die dtg blk"...ujar si A...

"ko ni xabis2...die dh gmbira dgn org lain la..watpe ko tggu die lg...dh smpi mse ko bkak ruang utk org lain dlm diri ko!!"...Z seakan mrh dgn kate2 A...

"hehe...ko ckp la pe yg ko nk ckp..ssh utk org lain gnti die dlm idup aku..aku x kesah kalo die jauh dr aku..asalkn die gmbira aku pn gmbira..dn aku cuma berdoa yg die akn 'kmbali' pd aku...tu je.."...A meluahkn isi hatinye...

perbualan mereka terhenti disitu...dn Z berlalu dgn keadaan kesal diatas kate2 A...A terlalu menyanjung org yg tlah meninggalknnye..dn Z tau...tu bkn slh A utk trus menyanjung org yg meninggalknnye...krn Z juga tau A sorg yg sgt percaya pd cintanya...

Monday, May 25, 2009

a fine saturday evening...

Monday, May 25, 2009
it's saturday evening...after working half day..we meet each other...out of nowhere the idea came across my mind to do this thing...

that Ms. N ask...."why r u so sudden wanna meet me today??"...
I stuttered..."aaa...emm nothing...just wanna have a bit chit-chatting with u thats all..yeah since we haven't met for quite a long time.."

it has been almost two years we haven't met each other since the 'tragedy'...

Then the meeting goes well...we share our experience and's a meeting not a 'date' ok....

However, old memories play its 'melody'...and it reminds me about our old days...
and I just could I afford to lose Ms. N at that time..before..??...

Those strange thoughts start to blow my mind...

emm..I think I should forget it...let bygone be bygone...Ms. N is already taken...Ms. N is not mine anymore...she's happy now with smeone else...n im also happy with my life now..towards achieving my 'ambition'....

but somehow.....i dont know....did I made a right decision??..

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Sunday, May 24, 2009's going to the third week of my so-called 'training'...last week i've been doing a lot of work..screening, testing, cleaning, and...painting the company warehouse!!! far..what an experience i've gone through for the past two weeks..:-)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Tuesday, May 19, 2009
skang ni...aku dh phm...betapa 'sakitnye' org bwhn menerima arahan org atasan...bygkn ar..yg konon dipggl 'project manager' or 'chief engineer' duk dlm org sne sni...gelak2...kuar minum dgn 'junior engineer','field engineer', atau cm aku ni...'trainee engineer' tpakse membanting tulang empat kerat...'mempertaruhkan nyawa' pnjt bangunan tggi2...berpanas,berhujan,berembun x kire mse...huhu...i think dis is why it call as a 'practical', practical training...dis make me realize how hard it would be as a 'servant'...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

a bit fuss....

Saturday, May 2, 2009
im done being in such a losing done...and it's about time to gonna turn the tide...right away..
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