Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Terlihat petikan ini daripada blog seorang kawan...

"Suatu perhubungan akan jadi lebih bermakna jika kita bersedia berkongsi kisah silam kita bersama pasangan..."

I do believe in will make the relationship stronger..yes..once you know your partner history, the understanding will become a lot easier...there will be no boundaries...yela kate nak hidup bersama sepanjang hayat kan..takkan bila dah kawin baru nak belajar kenal hati budi tak?



Anonymous said...

tp kalo edop skrg msh dibyangi kenangan silam pon x bgos jgk kn??seolah2 ksh lme tu xnk dilupekn n xnk dlpskn~ye x??

Anonymous said...

mantap a...

gugalopez said...
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